Transforming lives, one swipe at a time

Christel House South Africa serves as a beacon of hope for over 750 children from underprivileged communities on the Cape Flats. In an environment shadowed by challenges like gang warfare and severe poverty, this non-profit school stands tall, offering not just education but a lifeline to a brighter future for these young minds.

Through MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet’s unwavering support, over 8,000 schools, including Christel House South Africa, benefit from the simple act of supporters swiping their MySchool cards each month. This seemingly small action ripples into substantial impacts, funding vital educational endeavors and creating opportunities where hope seemed scarce.

Investing in futures: A remarkable partnership

In 2021, the collaboration between MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet and Builders’ Warehouse materialized in the form of three cutting-edge education spaces worth R1,720,000. These spaces usher in a new era of learning for sixty 4-5 year-old children annually, fostering an environment conducive to high-quality early education.

Recently, as part of the Back2School campaign, students from Grades 1 and 2 at Christel House South Africa got to spend the day in front of the camera and experience the thrill of helping MySchool do more good in more people’s lives.


Their vibrant energy and enthusiasm infused the campaign, showcasing the profound impact of MySchool’s initiatives on these young, eager faces.

Real voices, real impact

Elizabeth Galant, grandmother of Grade 2 learner Khululiwe Galant, expressed her gratitude for the opportunities presented to Khululiwe. “I want her to be whatever she wants to be,” she shared, echoing the sentiment of countless parents and guardians yearning for boundless opportunities for their children.
Reflecting on the transformative journey, Luphawo Peter’s mom, Nompumulelo, recounted the sheer joy of Luphawo’s first day at school. “It’s good for her to get a good education at a good school because it will open up more opportunities for her in the future,” she expressed, underlining the invaluable significance of quality education.

Continuing the journey towards change

Pieter Twine, General Manager of MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet, emphasized the profound impact of their collective efforts. “Our work is all about making a genuine difference,” he affirmed. The shared joy and excitement of the Christel House South Africa children depicted in the campaign videos reflect not just their enthusiasm for school but the tangible difference MySchool continues to make in countless lives across South Africa.

Join the movement: Make a difference with every swipe

The power to transform lives lies in the simplest actions. Each time a MySchool card is swiped at a partner store, a percentage of the spend is donated to the chosen cause. You too can be part of this transformative journey by signing up for a MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card online or via our app. Additionally, linking your Woolworths card incurs no charge but contributes significantly with every swipe.

Support Christal House South Africa